Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Electrical Torture Videos Are Americans To Be Tortured For Refusing To Show ID?

Are Americans To Be Tortured For Refusing To Show ID? - electrical torture videos

The police bought Tasers do not understand when someone distorts shock you sometimes DIE.because electrical currents in the body. Many people have been killed by these weapons. The owner of the company to achieve the sale of Taser to Taser has his own children.

Crazy use of Taser by police on children over six years in primary schools.

Tasering a "rebel" persona once to "right size", but the police are fully trained and eager.

Nobody should be neutralized by simply leaving a building.

A video of terror that bit out of place in Maoist China or Nazi Germany as well. Students unnecessarily surprised by the police torture of non-identification.

http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/nov ...


devastat... said...

I believe that they are correct and that this point is reached, the police, in my opinion, after much leeway! Recently I was in a car with a friend who was too fast, it took the officer and wanted my ID too! Why not, I was not driving the car against the law at all, but when I put my ID, I can go to jail, because it provide identification. It is terrible and I think it's wrong.

[ jD ] said...

These weapons should be used to boot if you use it, if someone refuses to identify himself, or in accordance with the authorities should not

slick o said...

Yes, I think they used excessive force

birdsnak... said...

No worries. Will not occur.
More Democrats concerned about turning our country into a communist nation.

Panacea said...

I looked to see the video, and I must say that I agree 100% with the police. This person was a high risk of terrorist attacks words (in other, should have asked ID). It was violent. He refused to cooperate (it is a crime ....) very difficult. He incited a riot, which began to take place as children with more balls than brains to take first steps into the faces of the policemen. This could easily have resulted in someone being shot. The police acted accordingly in an attempt to obtain compliance with the criminal as soon as possible.

Moreover, this man was, an action game for the cameras. They used the Taser on bass (not fake) plant. Even if it hurts, not something that would bring a grown man cry (and certainly had no problem persiststion to be violent, rather than responding after) they are frequently used it. Taser not cause any permanent damage, especially in the definition of low or no risk of death was (a lie by people who want to prevent the police from their work is done). This is actually an alternative low power consumption. Before tasers, this person was beat repeatedly with a stick in this situation. Probably in the hospital today. Instead, there was a violation to zero and 5 minutes after the incident, he felt nothing.

It distorts ashamed for them, as you have.

Mugsy's Place said...

Where do you get your information? Maybe go to the movies very much. TASE me to someone who has failed after the rest. I am a 4th Degree black belt, no need to use a Taser.

somebody's a mom!! said...

Most universities have a policy to be your student ID in hand and are ready at all times displayed. Not that you asked for identity and said nothing, and spat on him. refused to leave the building and was spat upon. They are never happy? I think tazer is an excellent alternative for fleas ... oh!
I have not a Tazer and I use, but I do not think twice. I suppose you think pepper spray is out of place? sorry. I think that is justified.

U.S.Vete... said...

This is a very good question.

In these days when the Nazi regime, Bush has the so-called "Patriot Act authorized" the police are free to do what her sadistic heart desires.

Every police officer who is cowardly enough to be a Taser on a man who simply do not have their ID cards should be used immediately dismissed, imprisoned for life, and should be castrated, because he is a man anyway.

In this way, you can not have children relaxed.

He Weapons used to control the masses.

To hell with the Nazis, fascists and skinheads!

Scum of the Earth!

Jeffery C said...

How would you reject a person to identify you (the police) and against the law and refused to stop?

Ask politely did not work. Well, since you think the police if the person had left unknown continue to trespass and violated? Would you still like your opinion?

The tasers are not torture. The only man should respect and leave the building when he repeatedly asked to do.

The installation was a trick.

I have been neutralized and stun shot several times in the training and by chance. It's unpleasant, but much better than Billy Club, pepper spray or a shot!

Remember, the police did not write the law / rule. His job is to enforce the rule of law /. That's what she wears, the do.

The Supreme Court has approved Tasers / stun guns as a way of dealing with those who resist arrest.

Are you smarter than the Chief Judge?

The best advice is "Get your facts straight. No one was neutralized by simply leaving a building. The person has been offset by the failure of the legal framework.

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