Friday, January 29, 2010

Can Vertigo Symptoms Be Something More Serious Do I Have Some Sort Of Disease Or Condition? Anyone Else Have These Symptoms?

Do I have some sort of disease or condition? Anyone else have these symptoms? - can vertigo symptoms be something more serious

During the last week I was with muscle pain, stiffness woke up, and very little power (especially in the arms and neck, some in the stomach, legs, feet). In the morning I can keep my child or toothepaste squeeze, because simply not strong arm for some reason. I feel better during the day and time that I am ready for bed a little worse. I also got heart palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath, dizziness (feeling) very strange head, dizziness and extreme fatigue. If I take a deep breath, I get very dizzy and want to go, and my heart feels like it to stop. I have experienced palpitations years, never had, but one of these other weird things. The swindle began a few years ago. For most of the day, I feel I simply disappear. Also I was hungry and thirsty. I recently dropped 10 pounds to chance. I am 22 years old, female. I know it's probably nothing serious, I went to the doctor and can not seem toto know what is wrong. I'm sick of feeling like crap all the time, and wondered if anyone of these symptoms or other idea is what you need? I accept to live it? I have tested for diabetes, there are about 6 months and said nothing was normal. I back the results later in the blood of next week. If it is normal, there is always a possibility that diabetes might have?


Anonymous said...

What is the cause of these symptoms, it is obviously not easy to identify. Your symptoms are, how much is your blood pressure is too low, but it seems unlikely that the documentation may not be achievable. I suspect you have a condition that is neurally mediated hypotension causes. This is sometimes associated with chronic fatigue syndrome. It would be a good idea to get an evaluation by a neurologist, and if the neurologist can not find anything, then the next step is a visit to a cardiologist or a doctor who specializes in both.

Anonymous said...

Yes, there is always a possibility that you suffer from diabetes. Depending on what you did before, and sometimes even the day before, which may affect your test results. What you eat and whether it is certainly also test for the composition of the blood within one day.

Please go to the doctor again and give him your symptoms. Always a second opinion from another doctor. Doctors Arent always right. I know from personal experience.

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